Especially if said event ruined one of your runs.

For Always be Looting stages, the Sporting Goods Store and Hardware Store are much like their city counterparts, but merged with the Y'all Mart layout, which greatly increases the chances of finding good melee weapons (and finding more of them).You may even find a Chainsaw! The Lost Safehouse/Infested Stronghold are also places worth going, as they have tons of loot (and many weapons for the latter).

For City stages, the Hardware Store often yields gas and durable melee weapons.It's not uncommon to find a valuable firearm or advanced melee weapon here. The loot is piled neatly in one of the building's rooms, and there's extra food in the vending machines. For the first stage in a run, the stage with the most loot and least walking by far is the Rest Stop.Best Level Ever: There are quite a few stages that yield lots of loot, stat boosts, or even rare characters, all while still being manageable and not being overly difficult:.A Triumphant Reprise of the main theme that plays as you brave the last stretch of the game with what little resources/teammates you may be hanging onto. "Canada, Ho!", or "Canada, Schmanada".The sad, yet hopeful sound of this music can make you fight to your last if you have endured a particularly nasty journey to Canada so far. The theme that plays during the City of Crushed Hopes, the final, grueling 4-hour siege of the game on the higher (or Crueler Bandits) difficulties. The theme for the Dark and Haunted Mansion is appropriately spooky and mournful. A jolly and uncharacteristically joyful theme for a zombie apocalypse, but that still fits the ridiculous tone of the game. A cheery and extremely catchy upbeat theme… that only plays when your car's engine is on its last legs. It can soothe your nerves after a tough looting map. A calm melody you hear while you watch your car speeding through the Death Road. Awesome Music: The music in the game is extremely catchy to say the least.Likewise, if a party member with really low Loyalty betrays your party in a certain text event, your characters will take damage, but no hits to their Morale.

Characters don't lose Morale (or even mourn) if one of their teammates die, be it from zombies or some other reason on the Death Road. Angst? What Angst?: While there is a plethora of problems that can crush the hopes of your party, death is strangely not one of them (not directly, at least).